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Mauro Corda. "At Least Open Your Eyes"

There is a place in the heart that will never be filled. a space. and even during the best moments and the greatest times. we will know it. we will know it more than ever. there is a place in the heart that will never be filled. and. we will wait and wait. in that space...

"Maybe, at some point in human history we will be done with money, but if we are done with art, we’re dead", said French sculptor Mauro Corda, whose work had a great impact on me and strangely enough every time coming across his contorted sculptures I cannot help but think of the words cited above, by my all time favourite American poet and novelist Charles Bukowsky.

At first glance, it seems even to me that I have created another bizarre parallel...what unites the French, calm and quiet looking introverted sculptor, I happened to meet before the opening of his big exhibition in Opera Gallery in Paris last month...and Californian master of dirty realism, eccentric and provocative poet Bukowsky... But when you think about it, the common phenomenon of their genius is the direct and incisive language, violent and expressive imagery of their work, that moves you in some extreme way...their works with no beginning or an end, somewhere in between hope and doubt, are wide open and each beholder perceive, or rather experience, each piece in his or her own way.

Corda's existentialist mood with his highly expressive and intensely twisted bodies exemplify the deeply distorted inner worlds of each figure, psychological essence of each individuum, "the inner is determined by the outer, without artist saying a single word". Both Bukowski and Corda share with us the world they see around, the memories they preserve, without telling us how to feel about it...maybe that's why their art simply mix all your feelings up as you open your eyes wider and wider in order to find some sort of clearance and explanation...


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